Through dynamic presentations, renowned Croatian and international entrepreneurs and representatives of companies from various economic sectors will address participants. These individuals are recognized in the domestic and global markets for their commitment to maintaining a high level of quality.
During the themed panel discussion, panelists have the opportunity to express their opinions on the discussion topic and provide their insights, answers, and comments on audience questions.
In addition to the formal part of the conference, participants will have the chance to establish new business contacts, exchange information, and even hold working meetings during coffee breaks, lunch breaks, and the after-party.
Let’s not forget the Cocktail After-Party, where the luckiest participants will receive valuable gifts from conference sponsors!
2021. - 2024.
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2021. - 2024.
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2021. - 2024.
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2021. - 2024.
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BARREK d.o.o.
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Hotel Sheraton, Zagreb
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BARREK d.o.o.
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Hotel Zonar, Zagreb
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BARREK d.o.o.
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Hotel Sheraton, Zagreb
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BARREK d.o.o.
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Hotel Sheraton, Zagreb
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The International Quality in Business Conference, Kvaliteta360, offers not only expert lectures, networking, valuable prizes, and the chance to make new contacts but also a special gastronomic experience crafted by one of the best European chefs. We strive to make each aspect of the conference exceptional, and the quality of food and beverages is an area to which we give special emphasis.
Sheraton Hotel Zagreb, Kneza Borne 2 Street, Zagreb.
For our international and domestic conference guests, we have secured accommodation at the Sheraton Hotel Zagreb at special rates.