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The story of TMS is all about the quality and tradition:

  • 2001 TÜV Bayern Sava founded TÜV Bayern Sava Representative Office Belgrade the root of TMS CEE
  • 2010 TÜV SÜD AG formed a subsidiary TÜV SÜD Serbia doo through the acquisition of a n organization for inspection and the merger of the TÜV SÜD Sava Representative office Belgrade
  • 2013 TÜV SÜD Serbia doo performed MBO, changed the name to TMS CEE d o o and bec a me a „Cooperation Partner of TÜV SÜD
  • 2022 TMS CEE started the cooperation with TÜV NORD Group

Today TMS companies exist and operate in several European countries TMS has own internationally
valid accreditations and licenses and it operates globally.

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