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Matthias Springer

Matthias Springer

Matthias Springer has been with TÜV NORD GROUP since 2008 and is the Senior Vice President for Functional Safety & Security of the Strategic Business Segment Industry Services.

His area of responsibility includes the development and market launch of new services as part of the digital transformation (Industry 4.0), particularly with regard to the security of safety-critical plants, -products and -systems.

In addition Matthias Springer is the technical specialist manager for the topics Industrial Security and Privacy.

Before he was responsible for the Cluster Functional Safety & Security, he worked as a functional safety test engineer and, with his team, assessed safety-related components and systems across the entire spectrum of industries (automation industry, machines, railways, automotive, consumer goods, etc.).

Since 2019 Matthias Springer is lecturer for Functional Safety and Security at the University of Kassel, Germany.

His University education background is Electrical Engineering and Applied Computer Science.

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