General Terms
The webshop system on the website is established to facilitate the reservation process for participation fees at the International Quality Conference Kvaliteta360 and automate their payment.
Any adult and legally capable person or legal entity can become a buyer, i.e., a customer who accepts these Terms and Conditions.
By purchasing a participation fee and accepting these Terms and Conditions, the buyer declares acceptance of the terms and conditions stated here and that all the information provided about themselves is true and accurate.
Participation fee prices are variable, and in addition to the regular price, discounted prices may apply according to predefined conditions (participants from the previous year, purchasing a larger number of fees, for certain associations, etc.), as well as discounted prices in certain periods before the conference (Blind Bird, Super Early Bird, Early Bird, etc.).
Prices are quoted excluding VAT.
Purchased fees at incorrectly published prices, if the error occurred due to a typo, mistake, or computational error, cannot be delivered by the organizer, and the organizer and the buyer will find the best solution by mutual agreement.
Payment Methods
Bank Transfer Payment
After confirming the order, the buyer receives all the instructions via email on how to make a payment via bank transfer. The order is considered paid when the funds are visible in the organizer’s bank account.
Card Payments
Payments by credit and debit cards are possible through the Stripe gateway, providing secure card payments. Credit card details are not stored or retained in any form on this website.
PayPal Payment
Payment through the PayPal system allows payment with funds the buyer has in their PayPal account or with credit and debit cards. Credit card details are not stored or retained in any form on this website.
Duration and Termination of the Agreement
The purchase of participation fees is considered a one-time agreement between the buyer and the organizer, starting on the day of payment for reserved fees and ending on the day of the conference.
According to the law, the buyer can unilaterally request the termination of the agreement without stating reasons within 14 days from the start of the agreement and request a refund of the paid funds. In the last 14 days before the conference, termination of the agreement and a refund of the paid funds are not possible, but it is possible to send a replacement participant. Termination of the agreement is declared in writing to the organizer’s address or email address.
Refunds for timely terminated agreements will be made within 30 days from the day of the agreement termination.
It is possible to replace a participant who will use a specific paid fee, but no later than 7 days before the day of the conference.
Dispute Resolution
Buyer and organizer will attempt to resolve any disputes through negotiation; otherwise, the competent court in Zagreb has jurisdiction.
Contact Information
For all necessary information and communication, the email address is available:
The main organizer of the conference is the company:
BARREK d.o.o.
Fallerovo šetalište 22
10000 Zagreb
VAT-ID: HR01726613039